Annual Report: Independence

RDRA’s latest Annual Report, Independence, should be arriving through your letterboxes soon. We paid a professional company to distribute the new format A5 magazine to all Rickmansworth areas. Because we’re going digital, Independence is much slimmer and only contains the agenda for our upcoming AGM (17th June), the minutes from last year’s AGM and reports from our Chairman and Treasurer.

If you can’t wait to receive your printed copy, you can view it online here:

Independence Spring 2024
Spring 2024

If you’d like to send the RDRA a message, please use the contact us webform.

Independence Library

The RDRA was founded in 1929 so we’re scanning in all our old magazines/reports. If you have any issues older than 2011, we would be grateful if we could borrow them to scan them. Please contact us to let us know!

This library can be found under Useful Info in our website top menu or click the image below to go there:


The AGM will be held at the Education Centre at Batchworth Lock on Monday 19th of June at 8pm. I do hope that you will make every effort to attend.

Parking can be found in Church Street, Moor Lane and the Tesco car park, all of which are a few minutes’ walk from the Lock.

We encourage non-members to attend although, of course, they are not able to vote. Formal notice and the agenda etc. will be contained in Independence which should be with you in the next week or so – can you help deliver to a dozen or so houses near you? We are short of members to help with distribution so please let me know if you can spare half an hour or so to help.

If there is already someone in your road delivering then we have many roads which will be close to you where we do not have a road rep at present.

Your Committee have decided to reduce the size of Independence to A5 from 2024 which is easier to post through letter boxes and will be the same size as other local periodicals. You will still be able to print off in A4 size if you want to from the website.