Batchworth Island Development

The Island site is an outline notification of a subsequent planning application and mentions compulsory land purchase may be necessary. The applicant has put together an indication of his intent together with documents to support their application to build. However, the concrete foundations will impact the flood plain; the build will be on stilts but the foundations are still there.

The applicant would like to apply for 2 x four-storey blocks with 95 residential flats (39 x 1-bed, 53 x 2-bed & 3 x 3-bed) and 16 parking spaces (2 of which are disabled).

Note the objections/comments from Hampton Hall Farmhouse; Affinity Water; Batchworth CC and British Waterways Trust to fully appreciate what is at stake.

Click here to go to the Three Rivers planning website and leave your own objection/comment.

McDonalds coming to Ricky?

There’s a planning application for a McDonalds where M&Co used to be. The plans show seating for 60 people with kitchens on both floors and delivery bike access at the rear, from Northway.

To support or complain about this application or for more information, please visit the Three Rivers planning website, here.

Planning and Local Plan

Following conversations with residents at the last Sunday Market, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye out for planning developments in your local area. To do this simply go to the Three Rivers website and search planning or click link below:

Local Plan

The Government target of 11k houses to be built in Three Rivers was reduced down to 4k houses and now called New Local Plan.

Sites earmarked for development in Rickmansworth are on pages 44-48 of this document:

Earmarked developments are marked as green on this map below (red=rejected):

Futher information on New Local Plan can be found here.

This New Local Plan will be formerly published in Sept/Oct 2024, then submitted to Secretary of State in Feb/March 2025, then adopted in March 2026.

Another vape shop in Ricky High Street

The Peace Hospice charity shop has been turned into the high street’s fifth vape shop. Although we are on the side of businesses, this new shop has the words ‘Tobacco’ on it which was banned in the Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002. This is why F1 cars stopped displaying tobacco company sponsorship and closing doors were fitted over cigarettes etc in shops.

A friendly councillor, Narinder Sian, saw the shop whilst he was at the Sunday Market and found out that the planning enforcement department is already looking into it. The department has contacted the relevant owners and will progress matters in the coming weeks. Watch this space!

Further information on TRDC planning website:

If you feel strongly about this issue and even though we may be in Purdah (pre-election period between the time local elections are announced and the date elections are held), please contact your local district councillors.

RDRA meets with Minister for Housing

I was glad to meet with Lee Rowley MP, the Minister for Housing, alongside representatives from the Three Rivers Joint Residents Association and Dean Russell MP, to discuss the revised NPPF and the importance of protecting the Green Belt in our area.

The Minister listened to the concerns of representatives and spoke about his passion for protecting the Green Belt and the importance of prioritising building on Brownfield Sites. I will continue communicating with him about the importance of delivering a comprehensive Local Plan, which protects our Green Belt, being delivered by the Three Rivers District Council.