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Upcoming Sunday Market

We hope to see you at the next Sunday Market on 28th July. Please support Ricky High Street & put this date in your diaries! Members of the RDRA committee will be there with our Read more…

Batchworth Island Development

The Island site is an outline notification of a subsequent planning application and mentions compulsory land purchase may be necessary. The applicant has put together an indication of his intent together with documents to support Read more…

94th AGM minutes

Pictured: David Gauke (guest speaker at the AGM) with RDRA Chairman Ash Pattni. Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at the Education Centre Batchworth Lock on Monday 17th June 2024. Those Present: Ashok Pattni (Chairman) Read more…

McDonalds coming to Ricky?

There’s a planning application for a McDonalds where M&Co used to be. The plans show seating for 60 people with kitchens on both floors and delivery bike access at the rear, from Northway. To support Read more…

Annual Report: Independence

RDRA’s latest Annual Report, Independence, should be arriving through your letterboxes soon. We paid a professional company to distribute the new format A5 magazine to all Rickmansworth areas. Because we’re going digital, Independence is much Read more…

100+ Club latest winners

Congratulations to our latest winners: 1st Prize to Anne Littlejohn, 2nd Prize to Rosi Jordan and 3rd Prize winner wishes to remain anonymous. We really need more people to join our 100+ Club! If you’re Read more…

Notice of our 94th AGM

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 17th June at 8pm in the Batchworth Educational Centre, Batchworth Lock, Rickmansworth. All are welcome but only members are allowed to vote. Refreshments will be available Read more…

Batchworth Crossing update

A local resident has started a petition for more to be done about the crossing on Batchworth Bridge: https://democracy.hertfordshire.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?id=1180&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3TKQ6_4NOL8V1x37owIfgn6s3_bvP63x1MbaOrSzg2EWuVMbr-kachyWE_aem_AUMYSSwmwTXBQWnpXejefUEJOzZUSG5E-1SjHvj87pd2Q4Kae1M9bSS8SKLsBj24OGoFhOw0g86ThchNFmzQ__rY Hertfordshire County Council sent us a copy of their report here. We’ve since noticed a cheaper Read more…