Ricky Winter Fair needs stewards

Published by Ash Pattni on

Winter Fair christmas lights in tree near library

The Rickmansworth Town Team would be extremely grateful of any help that you can give in stewarding the Winter Fair event on Friday 29th November.

Please let the Town Team know if you are available for any time during the evening from 4pm till 8pm (slightly less time this year).  They particularly need help in the stage area – corralling the acts ready to go on stage.  Please feel free to pass on to anyone you know who may be able to help them – the more the merrier!

This year they have once again employed a security company to help out with the Event HQ to ensure that no one person gets too long a shift. David Montague will be organising the Stewards and will be in touch nearer the time if you are able to help.

Contact the Rickmansworth Town Team:

Email: info@rickmansworthtown.co.uk
Webform: www.rickmansworthtown.co.uk/contact