Feb 2024 winners drawn

The next RDRA 100+ Club winners have been drawn and winners will be notified soon!

Join the RDRA 100+ club today and you too can win a cash prize of up to £150 in our March draw.

By joining the RDRA 100+ club today you will make a valuable contribution towards helping us make Ricky a much better place to live in. £2.50 of every £5.00 that you contribute each month goes towards funding good causes that will enrich our community.

Click here to find out more and to join

Left to right: Debbie & Chairman Ash draw the next winner using a random number generator app. Photo taken by Anne.

Join RDRA to view content

Message replying to RDRA X post:
A group of people, many of whom were involved in the Rickmansworth Festival, decided that a much smaller event could be held this year, after all the hard work of Rickmansworth Waterways Trust over the past 30 years. Read more: https://rickmansworthresidents.org/2024/02/batchworth-boat-rally-instead-of-2024-festival/

Message received Feb 19, 2024 – via X (Twitter):
Seems to be behind a firewall?

RDRA response:
You can either join the RDRA (Rickmansworth & District Residents’ Association) for £3 pa: https://rickmansworthresidents.org/members
Or join RDRA 100+ Club monthly prize draw for £5, which includes membership to the Association: https://rickmansworthresidents.org/100plus

January 100+ Club winners presentation

Congratulations to our 100+ Club winners this month, pictured below being presented their cheques by RDRA Chairman Ash Pattni at the Cafe in the Park, Rickmansworth.

Ross Macdonald: 1st prize winner – £150

Ross, pictured far left, said: “Thanks! I am going to donate my winnings to the Encephalitis Society which is an international resource for people affected by Encephalitis, offering support, information, awareness and much needed research into the condition. Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain which can be caused by everyday infections or the body’s immune system going wrong. 6,000 people are diagnosed each year in the UK, up to a third die and often those who survive are left with some form of brain injury.”

Brian Littlejohn: 2nd prize winner – £75

Brian is a Road Rep and husband of our Membership Secretary, Anne.

Debbie Wheeler: 3rd prize winner – £25

Debbie looks after our RDRA website and Brian is her father!

From left to right: Ross, Brian, Debbie and Ash.

Click here to join the RDRA 100+ Club and you can win too!

Next prize draw: Friday 23rd February

January 100+ Club winners drawn

It was a bright and beautiful day for the next RDRA 100+ Club prize draw, held at the Cafe in the Park in Rickmansworth on Friday 26th January. We had a delicious lunch and marvelled at how busy the place was – the Aquadrome really is the heart of Rickmansworth! As per the last draw, we used a Random Number Generator to draw the winners and they will be contacted very soon – congratulations to them!

The RDRA 100+ Club raises funds for good causes in Rickmansworth to make it a better place to live in.

Click here to join the RDRA 100+ Club

If you have not renewed your RDRA membership yet, join the RDRA 100+ Club and be a member of both!

“…be in it to win it!” says Andrea Clark, first prize winner of £150 last month.

100+ Club winner presentations

Many congratulations to the 1st and 2nd prize winners of our first RDRA 100+ Club monthly draw, pictured below being presented their winnings by RDRA Chairman, Ash Pattni. Proceeds from this draw will go to signage for the Community Garden as well as RDRA administration costs. These photos are taken in the Community Garden, located behind the Rose Garden, opposite the TRDC Council offices in Rickmansworth and very near the Bowling Club.

Andrea Clark: 1st prize winner – £150

Andrea said: “I’ve been a Road Rep for many years, I’m thrilled to win this fantastic prize and it’s also helping local good causes so I recommend you join the 100 Club today – be in it to win it!”

Rosi Jordon: 2nd prize winner – £75

Rosi said: “What a treat to have won a prize! How nice to have the presentation up at the Community Garden & Orchard too.” Rosi is a champion of the Community Garden & Orchard and has worked on the project tirelessly. All volunteers and plants welcome!

3rd prize winner – £25: Wishes to remain anonymous and donated the prize money back into the RDRA good causes fund.

Click here to join the RDRA 100+ Club and win too!

Next prize draw: Friday 26th January

Congratulations to our first winners

The RDRA 100+ Club monthly prize draw was held on Sunday 17th December during the Christmas Market in Rickmansworth High Street. All winners have now been informed – congratulations to them!

First prize winner receives £150
Second prize winner receives £75
Third prize winner receives £25

For further information and details of joining the RDRA 100+ Club monthly prize draw, please click: rickmansworthresidents.org/100plus

Bob, Ash & Anne draw the first three winners using a random number generator.