RDRA to host a Batchworth Bridge Crossing Forum in partnership with BCC

Wednesday 29th January at 7.30pm
Education Centre at Batchworth Lock WD3 1JJ

Following the most recent accident on this crossing and thanks to persistent pressure by Rickmansworth residents about pedestrian safety, the RDRA are hosting this forum, in partnership with BCC, to discuss with Three Rivers District Council.

Parking can be found in Church Street, Moor Lane and the Tesco car park, all of which are a few minutes’ walk from the Lock.

If you feel strongly and are able to attend, please do come along!

Temporary traffic lights on Batchworth Crossing

Message received Dec 14, 2024 – via Contact us form

Can you tell me what’s going on with regards to the temporary traffic lights on the zebra crossing nr Batchworth lock being set up earlier in the week? Are these a trial to see how it would work if these were made permanent. How long are they going to be there?. 

RDRA response:

I wish I knew. I do hope that they become permanent fixtures.

HCC who are responsible should be able to assist with this. Possible contacts are Reena Ranger or Paula Hiscox who are our county councillors.

Watford Observer article

Batchworth Bridge accident

Following the recent accident on the southbound side of Batchworth Bridge on the 21st of January, we must continue our campaign to have the Zebra Crossing replaced with a Pelican crossing.

We have tried many times before and get really silly reasons from the County Officers as to why this is not possible.

The main problem is the short length of 30 MPH speed limit in between 40 MPH either side and drivers do not slow down for this short section of road.