We await the details of the revised Local Plan where the District Council are reacting to the call for large numbers of new dwellings to be built. All Residents’ Associations in the District were holding an emergency meeting to discuss the strategy to be used in combatting any loss of Green Built land. In Rickmansworth we have the added problem of proposed buildings being put on flood plain sites.
The other problem we have is the type of housing. What we need in Rickmansworth and the surrounding area is one and two-bedroom houses so that our children can set up home in the area. The District Council seem to think that we need three and four-bedroom homes. This will produce more income to the Council in the form of SIL money and Council Tax and will provide the developers with more income but such properties will be sold as buy-to-rent housing and do nothing for our upcoming generation who either have to stay living with their parents or move away from the area.
It has been rumoured that the shop just left empty by Halfords may become a Starbucks.
One resident backing onto the M&S car park has complained about the noise from lorries delivering at 4am. The resident has been advised to keep a log. There may be controls in the original planning permission which need to be looked at.