Message from Hertfordshire County Council
Deadline to join: 1st November
In 2025, Hertfordshire Libraries celebrates 100 years of a countywide library service and have secured funding from Arts Council England to deliver a programme of events and activities to appeal to everyone who lives, works or studies in Hertfordshire. To understand the preferences and views of residents, Hertfordshire Libraries have recently launched a survey seeking feedback from members of the public, whether they are existing library users or not.
As part of this, we are inviting you to an online focus group session this November, where we would like to hear your views on the sorts of events and activities you would like to see taking place in your local library.
If you are interested in attending, please could you RSVP to with the time(s) you will be available from the dates below by Friday 1 November. Please could you also let us know if you have any additional requirements for us to be aware of prior to the session. We plan for the focus group to run for about 75 minutes:
Monday 11 November (18.00-19.15) – Online
Thursday 21 November (12.00-13.15) – Online
If you can’t attend one of the focus groups and if you haven’t done so already, we would be grateful if you could respond to the Libraries’ centenary survey through this link: Hertfordshire Libraries’ Centenary – Please note that the survey closes on Tuesday 31 December.