Join Library focus group – Citizens’ Panel

Message from Hertfordshire County Council
Deadline to join: 1st November

In 2025, Hertfordshire Libraries celebrates 100 years of a countywide library service and have secured funding from Arts Council England to deliver a programme of events and activities to appeal to everyone who lives, works or studies in Hertfordshire. To understand the preferences and views of residents, Hertfordshire Libraries have recently launched a survey seeking feedback from members of the public, whether they are existing library users or not.

As part of this, we are inviting you to an online focus group session this November, where we would like to hear your views on the sorts of events and activities you would like to see taking place in your local library.

If you are interested in attending, please could you RSVP to with the time(s) you will be available from the dates below by Friday 1 November. Please could you also let us know if you have any additional requirements for us to be aware of prior to the session. We plan for the focus group to run for about 75 minutes:

Monday 11 November (18.00-19.15) – Online
Thursday 21 November (12.00-13.15) – Online

If you can’t attend one of the focus groups and if you haven’t done so already, we would be grateful if you could respond to the Libraries’ centenary survey through this link: Hertfordshire Libraries’ Centenary – Please note that the survey closes on Tuesday 31 December.

Rickmansworth library – service update

As you may be aware, Rickmansworth Library experienced a fire in the workroom on Thursday 18 April.

The fire started in the workroom and this is where the most damage has been caused. A temporary power supply has been set up and the clean-up operation is underway. There is a significant amount of work to be carried out before the library can re-open – a large part of the building will have to be rewired and the staff work areas will have to be completely cleared due to the fire damage caused. Luckily, the fire didn’t spread to the public area but there is soot and ash residue in all areas of the building, as a result all the books, furniture, shelving and carpets will need to be cleaned to ensure that the library is safe for staff and customers.

How long will the library be closed?

It is still too early to assess this. We are working with contractors to try to re-establish the service as quickly as possible. As soon as timescales become clearer, we will advertise a re-opening date.

I have books on loan that were due back on or after 18 April – what should I do?

We are extending the loan period for anything that is due back at Rickmansworth on or after 18 April 2024. We will continue to keep this under review but please be assured that there will be no overdue charges to pay on items that fall into this category.

Please note that this loan extension does not apply to items borrowed from other Hertfordshire libraries. You can check the due date of your loans and renew them through the Hertfordshire library app, on our website, or by calling 0300 123 4049

I have reservations to collect from Rickmansworth – what should I do?

A member of library staff will be contacting you to find out if you can collect your item from another Hertfordshire library.

Which other libraries can I use?

You can use any Hertfordshire Library. The closest library to Rickmansworth is Croxley Green Library. Croxley Green also offers Open+ – extended opening hours when staff are not on site – if you would like to register to use this service, please ask staff at Croxley Green to arrange this for you. Library opening hours and locations.

If you would like to keep up-to-date with regular library news, you can sign up for their eNewsletter here.

Independence Library

The RDRA was founded in 1929 so we’re scanning in all our old magazines/reports. If you have any issues older than 2011, we would be grateful if we could borrow them to scan them. Please contact us to let us know!

This library can be found under Useful Info in our website top menu or click the image below to go there: