Notice of our 94th AGM

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 17th June at 8pm in the Batchworth Educational Centre, Batchworth Lock, Rickmansworth. All are welcome but only members are allowed to vote. Refreshments will be available after the meeting. Please park in Church Street, Moor Lane or Tesco.

The agenda will be:

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Approve and sign off minutes of the last AGM 
  3. Honorary Treasurer’s Statement of Accounts
  4. To Appoint an Honorary Examiner
  5. Chairman’s Annual Report.
  6. Election of President
  7. Election of Life Vice Presidents
  8. Election of Officers
  9. Election of the Association Committee
  10. Any Other Business
  11. Guest speaker: David Gauke, former MP