Wine and cheese evening

Wine & Cheese tasting event

At our Wine & Cheese evening on 21 March, 8-10pm, there will be wine & cheese tasting from exhibitors. One of these exhibitors is Village Wine based in Bushey. They have given us a detailed list of the wines that they are bringing for us to taste on the night, along with which food pairs well with each wine. Village Wine will also be bringing some delicious British cheeses to taste and buy on the night. Their discounted-on-the-night wine prices and order form is here: Village Wine’s detailed wine list and order form.

To find out more and to buy tickets to this event, click here

Proceeds of RDRA 100+ Club events go towards local good causes like better signage for the Community Garden & Orchard and RDRA running costs.

Wine tasting?

Message received Feb 8, 2024 – via Contact us form

Please can you <tell> me more about the jazz cheese and wine night please and also is it wine tasting?

RDRA response:

Many thanks for your enquiry about the wine and cheese tasting with jazz event.

Yes it is a tasting event, you will be able to taste various wines and cheeses from different regions. At this moment, the exhibitors have not yet finalised what they are planning to bring on the night. We’ll update this information as soon as possible.

In the background, John Donegal with two other players will play jazz music. John has performed for the Three Rivers music society on numerous occasions. John is a local pianist and composer with national and international reputation.

We look forward to seeing you at the event on 21 March.