Have your say to WIN Watersmeet gift vouchers

Residents have an opportunity to shape the future of council services across Three Rivers district as the latest major survey of local opinion is launched.

The annual residents’ survey gives people the opportunity to have their say on the services they receive from their district council. Views are being sought from all residents aged 16 and over and the survey will close on 31 March 2025.

Anyone who takes part in the survey online and indicated that they wish to be entered into the prize draw will also have a chance to win one of three £60 vouchers for Watersmeet in Rickmansworth.

The district council provides a variety of services ranging from benefits, community safety, planning and housing needs to leisure services, parks and green spaces, public health and protection and waste and recycling collections.


Youth violence prevention programme on 6th February

Message from OWL

Tuesday 6th Feb, 5.30pm to 8pm at Watersmeet

Click here to book your place using the online form

A police-led youth violence prevention programme which diverts young people away from knife crime, gangs and county lines across Watford, Three Rivers and Hertsmere has entered its fifth year.

First launched in 2019 the anti-violence project – supported by partners – has grown year on year and the team have announced three new anti-violence awareness events for the first quarter of 2024.

Anti-violence campaigner Alison Cope will share the hard-hitting story about her late son Joshua with an audience of parents, families, young people over the age of 10 – as well as education and care professionals – at the free events across Hertsmere, Three Rivers, and Watford.

Those attending will learn about the true impact of knife crime, the signs to look out for and how to help the young people in their lives make positive choices.

Alison will also be joined by Russell Symons of Impressionable Minds, who will deliver an input on bullying, extremism, drugs, county lines, and alcohol awareness.

Further information about this event and topic is on herts.police.uk website