Cancer Out Cancer (CoC) is public campaign developed by patient members and supported by MacMillan Cancer Support. This local volunteer-led campaign aims to not only improve people’s understanding of cancer, but also encourage everyone to take action to promote their health. This can then be taken one step further by spreading the message with friends, family, colleagues and neighbours.
You are invited to a 60-minute Cancel Out Cancer Zoom session on Tuesday 21 May at 11am. To register: a link will be emailed to attendees in advance of the session.
This session will cover:
- understanding what cancer is and isn’t, including busting some myths
- spotting cancer early, and get to know what the signs and symptoms of cancer are
- knowing the value of screening, and importance of early diagnosis
- being positive about health and small lifestyle changes to help prevent cancer.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more before booking a place on the session, please email