Accident discussion

Messages replying to RDRA X (Twitter) post:
Another accident today on Batchworth Bridge early this morning when it was still dark. Pedestrians with dark clothing cannot be seen by drivers! We have listed on our website what the RDRA tried to do over the years to make the bridge safer:

Message received Feb 22, 2024 – via X (Twitter):
As a driver it can be quite alarming how difficult it is to see pedestrians here. And as a walker, there seems to be an increasing tendency for drivers to plough on over the crossings even when people are on them.

Message received Feb 23, 2024 – via X (Twitter):
use crossing poles that also light up for extra safety. Why not try these @hertscc

Dangerous crossing on the bridge

Message received Feb 22, 2024 – via Contact us form

Anne Littlejohn asked me to contact you regarding a post I made on facebook warning others about the accident early Wednesday morning on Batchworth Bridge. Please send a whatsapp phone number and I will screenshot the post and all the comments on the post confirming how dangerous the crossing on the bridge is. I drive over it three mornings a week returning from a night shift and can confirm when it is dark it is virtually impossible to see pedestrians until they are on the crossing. I slow right down knowing this to be the case but if you dont realise this it is very very dangerous

RDRA response:

Many thanks for your email. My contact details as below.

Batchworth Bridge accident

Batchworth Bridge crossing

The RDRA have been warning about the safety of the Batchworth Bridge crossing and today, Wednesday 21st February 2024, there was another accident.

The accident happened early in the morning (6.30am) but it was still dark and the pedestrian was unfortunately wearing dark clothes so could not be seen by the driver.

We wish the pedestrian well – we don’t know the extent of their injuries but an ambulance was called to the scene.

We’ve been campaigning for years for something to be done about the crossing as there have been multiple accidents and near misses over the years. It stands to reason that without action, one day there will be a fatality.

A history of the bridge:

  • A crossing with traffic lights requested – rejected by council.
  • An extra lighting lamp post requested – rejected by council.
  • Change of speed limit requested on Riverside Drive from 40mph to 30mph to match the speed limit on the bridge and on the roundabouts surrounding the bridge – rejected by council.
  • Improved Belisha beacons – rejected by council.
  • Painted ’30’ or ‘Slow’ on the ground at the start of the bridge requested – rejected by council.
  • Handheld device (SID) for monitoring speeds requested – agreed to but the pandemic happened and our training was scuppered. And we now don’t have enough people to attend, minimum 10 people needed.
  • Council removes grills from barriers to allow drivers to see when pedestrians are waiting to cross during the day.
  • Rumble strip requested – rejected by council.
  • Extra lighting was again requested – agreed to but would cost £60,000. HCC only willing to fund a third of this lighting cost.
  • Recently, we were told that extra funding could possibly come from the Police, if they reassess the safety of the bridge – we have the forms and paperwork to start this process off and would like to know your current views. Please contact us to let us know!

Please could you also share this story on your Facebook page by clicking the blue Facebook icon on the left.

And express your views direct to your local Councillors.

Click here to see previous RDRA posts about Batchworth Bridge

Pedestrian information

Message received Feb 21, 2024 – via Contact us form

Following on from facebook post of an accident on 21/2 . I can provide further information. It was 06:30 dark & the pedestrian was in dark clothes and could not be see.

RDRA response:

Many thanks for letting us know about the accident on the Batchworth bridge crossing at 6:30am today. Do you have any photos of the incident that we can share with our councillors to make them aware of the incident. We have been pressing the council to make this bridge crossing safe with better lighting generally and also install a pedestrian crossing lights. We appreciate your assistance.

Batchworth Bridge accident

Following the recent accident on the southbound side of Batchworth Bridge on the 21st of January, we must continue our campaign to have the Zebra Crossing replaced with a Pelican crossing.

We have tried many times before and get really silly reasons from the County Officers as to why this is not possible.

The main problem is the short length of 30 MPH speed limit in between 40 MPH either side and drivers do not slow down for this short section of road.