Local Plan
Due to the vast number of responses to the second Regulation 18 consultation, the District Council have four members of staff working on a third revision which will be published in the Autumn.
It is not clear if this will be a third Regulation 18 consultation or a Regulation 19 – this is the last list which is produced before a Public Enquiry.
This will put off the finalisation of the Local Plan for a few years with two possible adverse implications for the residents of the District.
The first of these is that the Government may impose a Local Plan on the area, the second is that, without a Local Plan to refer to, developers could develop sites without District Council Planning approval.
The next document could well call back in sites which were taken out of the first list in 2018 many of which we objected to due to them being on Green Belt land or on a flood plain (in some cases both!).