Batchworth Crossing update

A local resident has started a petition for more to be done about the crossing on Batchworth Bridge:

Hertfordshire County Council sent us a copy of their report here.

We’ve since noticed a cheaper alternative – a Belisha Beacon spotlight which can fix onto existing poles, so no need for expensive footings to be dug out. This solution has been used in Somerset, Gateshead and Newcastle councils, as per our contact at one Belisha Beacon Spotlight provider. We’ve sent their details to HCC to investigate further.

Cancer Out Cancer (CoC) Zoom session

Cancer Out Cancer (CoC) is public campaign developed by patient members and supported by MacMillan Cancer Support. This local volunteer-led campaign aims to not only improve people’s understanding of cancer, but also encourage everyone to take action to promote their health. This can then be taken one step further by spreading the message with friends, family, colleagues and neighbours.

You are invited to a 60-minute Cancel Out Cancer Zoom session on Tuesday 21 May at 11am. To register:  a link will be emailed to attendees in advance of the session.

This session will cover:

  • understanding what cancer is and isn’t, including busting some myths
  • spotting cancer early, and get to know what the signs and symptoms of cancer are
  • knowing the value of screening, and importance of early diagnosis
  • being positive about health and small lifestyle changes to help prevent cancer.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more before booking a place on the session, please email

Planning and Local Plan

Following conversations with residents at the last Sunday Market, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye out for planning developments in your local area. To do this simply go to the Three Rivers website and search planning or click link below:

Local Plan

The Government target of 11k houses to be built in Three Rivers was reduced down to 4k houses and now called New Local Plan.

Sites earmarked for development in Rickmansworth are on pages 44-48 of this document:

Earmarked developments are marked as green on this map below (red=rejected):

Futher information on New Local Plan can be found here.

This New Local Plan will be formerly published in Sept/Oct 2024, then submitted to Secretary of State in Feb/March 2025, then adopted in March 2026.

Free upcoming health and care events

Patients are our Passion – Improving Patient Care and Experience in West Herts Hospitals

St Albans Patient Group and the Herts and West Essex ICB have organised this event on Wednesday 15 May, 6pm. It will be presented by Amanda Budd, Lead Nurse for Patient Care and Experience.

Join the Zoom meeting.

Patient Engagement Forum – Mental Health Awareness Webinar

Thursday 16 May, 6.30pm – 7.30pm

The Herts and West Essex ICB Patient Engagement Forum has organised this session for National Mental Health Awareness Week (13 to 19 May). The free session is being held online and will offer the chance to start the conversation about mental health.

Speakers will include a representative from the charity MIND and a local GP – there will also be a Q and A session. Register for the session.

St Albans Elective Care Hub

Wednesday 29 May, 6pm

St Albans Patient Group, with the Herts and West Essex ICB Patient Engagement Forum have organised a session on St Albans Elective Care Hub.  This new centre at St Albans City Hospital is for planned surgery to provide faster access to some routine operations for patients in Hertfordshire and west Essex. This is to reduce waiting lists for people who have been waiting for a long time to have their operation.  

Join the meeting to find out more about the new centre.

New Patient Engagement Forum setup to listen to residents and patients

In an exciting initiative led by the NHS Herts and West Essex Integrated Care Board’s recently established Patient Engagement Forum (PEF -created to ensure that the ICB hears the patient voice), we’re launching a closed Facebook group to facilitate discussion, support, fact finding and create a two-way flow of information to ensure the patient really is at the heart of everything the local NHS does.

 The PEF’s commitment to you is:

  • To listen to what is important to you
  • To follow up on anything that is critical; and
  • To report back on the outcomes from this work.

As a closed group, it is only open to people who live or work in Hertfordshire and west Essex, you can be sure of a safe and secure environment in which everyone respects each other and seeks to share experiences.

The ‘welcome’ page asks a series of questions about what is important to you; share your thoughts and see what others are saying.

Please join this new initiative and have your say – not just once, but whenever you wish to share your views.