The NHS needs your voice

NHS staff are working harder than ever to get services back on track, to get waiting lists down and consistently deliver the best care. We know change is needed. But we also know that many of the solutions we need are already here, working somewhere in the NHS today. Whether you have a little to say or a lot, your views, experiences and ideas will shape immediate steps and long-term changes: a new 10-Year Health Plan for the NHS. This is a once in a generation opportunity to make the NHS fit for the future. Together we can fix it. We need your voice.

Go to to find out how you can take part.

Wildlife area in Mill End needs help

Message from volunteers at the Community and Rose Gardens

As you may know, there is a wildlife area in Mill End, next to the allotments. Although it was cared for by local people for many years, these residents are now very elderly and unable to continue. TRDC approached us recently to see if we could help.

At this stage, all our gardening volunteers are busy looking after our community garden and the rose garden. So we’re looking for younger people who might be willing to lend a hand. As it’s a wildlife area, if doesn’t need a great deal of care, but at present it’s really overgrown and in a state of neglect.

If you would like to volunteer, please send a message to Jane & Annabel who are leading this project via:

Join Library focus group – Citizens’ Panel

Message from Hertfordshire County Council
Deadline to join: 1st November

In 2025, Hertfordshire Libraries celebrates 100 years of a countywide library service and have secured funding from Arts Council England to deliver a programme of events and activities to appeal to everyone who lives, works or studies in Hertfordshire. To understand the preferences and views of residents, Hertfordshire Libraries have recently launched a survey seeking feedback from members of the public, whether they are existing library users or not.

As part of this, we are inviting you to an online focus group session this November, where we would like to hear your views on the sorts of events and activities you would like to see taking place in your local library.

If you are interested in attending, please could you RSVP to with the time(s) you will be available from the dates below by Friday 1 November. Please could you also let us know if you have any additional requirements for us to be aware of prior to the session. We plan for the focus group to run for about 75 minutes:

Monday 11 November (18.00-19.15) – Online
Thursday 21 November (12.00-13.15) – Online

If you can’t attend one of the focus groups and if you haven’t done so already, we would be grateful if you could respond to the Libraries’ centenary survey through this link: Hertfordshire Libraries’ Centenary – Please note that the survey closes on Tuesday 31 December.

Dealing with Invasive Non-Native Species

Message from Friends of Stockers Lake

We’re excited to announce that the INNS Out scheme is returning for its 5th year and applications are now open!

Deadline for applications is 23:59 on 24 January 2025.

INNS Out enables local organisations, community groups or individuals to take action on invasive non-native species across catchments in which Affinity Water operates to prevent their introduction and spread. If you, or your organisation, are involved in a project that is trying to tackle invasive non-native species, then the INNS Out scheme might be able to offer additional help.

A huge THANK YOU to all our previously successful applicants, we’ve seen some fantastic results from your hard efforts. You really are making a difference.

Visit our website for full information on the scheme, what can be applied for and the T’s & C’s. To apply, click ‘Apply Now’ and complete the online form.

INNS Out can support projects that are:

  • Preventing the introduction and/or spread of INNS
  • In an environmentally designated site or along a waterbody within the catchments where Affinity Water operates
  • Contributing towards achieving Water Framework Directive objectives
  • Asking for funding support of up to £5,000 for standalone projects and up to £10,000 contribution for catchment wide schemes
  • Asking for volunteer support from the Affinity Water volunteer network

Applications from organisations, partnerships, individuals, or collaborative groups are encouraged so please feel free to share details of the scheme with anyone who may benefit from support.

Affinity Water Biodiversity Team

100+ Club Winners

We decided to rollover the 100+ Club draws so that there is a decent enough prize pot!

Congratulations to First prize winner Zoe Dejahang (pictured left with Treasurer Leslie) and Second prize winner – David Fyles (pictured right with Chairman Ash). Third prize winner wishes to remain anonymous.